
15:15 - 18:15


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Accademia Britannica
Via Gramsci 61, Roma, 00197

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Valle Aperta e Accademie aperte: Visita guidata IN INGLESE alle Accademie di Valla Giulia.

“Being Human 2019″ è una passeggiata con sorprese a Valle Giulia fa parte di una serie di eventi organizzati in tutta Europa (vedi: https://beinghumanfestival.org/ ).  La passeggiata, con tre brevi introduzioni di Andrea Ventura riguardanti “L’esposizione Universale del 1911”, “Villa Giulia e le sue vigne” e “Le evoluzioni dell’Arco Oscuro” ci porteràin visita alle accademie di Belgio, Olanda, Svezia, Danimarca, Romania, Austria e Giappone, con presentazione di reperti custoditi nelle singole collezioni. L’evento si concluderà con un rinfresco offerto dalla British School of Rome tra le 18:30 e le 19:45.

Informazioni dettagliate sul sito della British School of Rome: http://www.bsr.ac.uk/site2014/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/2019-20_Sept-Dec_EventsProg_2019.pdf

Being Human Festival 2019 at the British School at Rome
Open Academy|Open Valley
11th October
Being Human (https://beinghumanfestival.org/) is led by the School of Advanced Study, University of London in partnership with the Arts & Humanities Research Council and the British Academy. This international festival promotes public engagement with humanities research, specifically highlighting the ways in which the humanities can inspire and enrich our everyday lives, help us to understand ourselves, our relationships with others, and the challenges we face in a changing world. The theme this year is ‘Discoveries & Secrets’.
The BSR will celebrate the Festival by holding an Open Academy|Open Valley event on 11 October 2019 which will take the form of a guided walk around the valley with 10-minute stops at each participating Academy. At each institution ‘walkers’ will be shown an object which communicates something of its history in relation to the festival theme: ‘Discoveries & Secrets’. The journey between these stops will be as important as the ‘object encounters’ along the way. Walkers will be guided through the Valle Giulia by experts and encouraged to share their thoughts and responses. The walk will culminate at the BSR with a rinfresco during which we will discuss our discoveries and engage with a dance performance based, in part, on one of the objects. It is hoped that the event will strengthen and foster community relations amongst the various stakeholders in the Valle Giulia and promote the humanities research that takes place at the Academies.

La partecipazione è gratuita.
L’evento è aperto a tutti. I Soci quindi possono invitare amici interessati alle iniziative Roma2pass.
Per partecipare è necessario registrarsi presso info@bsrome.it

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